
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Farewell Ramadhan,Hello Eid!!

Assalamualaikum,hello everyone..It's been a while huh?? Because of that,I'm now 11 years old..Ramadhan has left a few weeks ago...Now,Syawal came.Everyone now what's that means..It's Eid Day!!! Even before the day,people have acted like it's the day.Some people buzy buying new dress and decorations while they should asked for forgiveness.That's a huge problem for us..We should take it's just a day...And there once a story,(i can't remember where did I get this) It's about Arabian's way to celebrate it..On the first day,they went to the mosque and pray eid..After that,they huged each other and apologise to each other..And later,they went home to their house..That's how they celebrate it..JUST THAT . ..Btw,I want to tell you about my Eid Day..So,the things I said earlier,maybe you guys should take a note..OK..I celebrated my first day of Eid at my dad's hometown..One day before Eid,me and my cousins,grandparents,the WHOLE FAMILY buzy prepared for the big day.Some of my family helped my aunt filled the famous ketupat with rice..There are so many types of ketupat..Some called,ketupat sate,ketupat nasi,ketupat tak jadi..I don't know why but my mom said that there are differents for each ketupat..Well,we called our ketupat,KETUPAT NASI..!!

And i've made my first ever ketupat!! Very hard actually..I think it's just a miracle that I can learn it..So,me and my cousin : Sofi..put a lot of affords to prepare the chicken...We have to take out of it's lungs,dirty things..And there were lots of chicken..FIUHH..It was a tiring day..
That night,we played fireworks and different kinds of firecrakers..It was so fun!!!
And,on that day....I woke up early and have a bath..But,with two toilets only,shared with dozens of cousins,Ohhh..Some will grow beard I guess..After praying Eid..We all gathered together at the center and start our traditional culture.."Ask for forgiveness"..It started with the main couple,my grand parents..,my dad's siblings and to the other generations..which is me! And my cousins.
It's a very dramatic situation that time.. T_T

The second day...,I went to...............................CONTINUED on part 2

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