
Monday, August 15, 2011

Ramadhan day 15

Hello,everyone.Today is the 15th Ramadhan 2011.I can't believe it is the half day of Ramadhan.And this year,I feel more energize or should I say,more active than last year.When I fasting the first day.( Ramadhan 2010),I was dying for food.Really tired,thirsty and starving.But now,wowwww..I can't believe it.My teacher was right,we're fasting not for having starving and thirsty feeling,but it was for Allah.And the last thing my teacher said to me,people that fasting will feel active.Not like people who lie down and think of hunger.It almost raya,but let just set aside the celebration and give full attention at fasting.Speaking of fasting,my mom said if one of my family finish reading al-quran, he/she (except my dad. hehehehehe)  will get RM 50.I am not sure that I can defeat my siblings know what I'm trying to say right.About my mom,do you know that my mother now jusud.................(let me ask my mother now,hehehehehehhe)........27!!!!!! ^_^ Today it just the 15th Ramadhan but my mom is now jusud 27??!!.I challenge you guys,can you defeat my mom record...?! Maybe there is someone already win. Huuhuuhuhhuuh.Do you know what jusud I'm now? It jusud 15,its okay..well its for today! Bye :).

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