
Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Best Raya Ever!!!

Hello,my story today is,"HAVING THE BEST RAYA EVER!!!".This year,I'm celebrate the celebration at my father hometown.I think this year is more interesting than last year celebration.Do you know why?Because my auntie,bought astro beyond.Secondly,my mom and my dad bought new curtain for my grandparents.I feel like I'm going to explode like a volcano.Instead talking about decorations,children likes to make cards including myself.I have three kinds of cards for raya this year.(a)made of paper (b) buyfrom bookstore (c)made of cloth .Thirdly,I would like to send five cards to my friends by post.After I celebrate at my father hometown,I will celebrate at my mother hometown at the second day of Raya. I want to give one card to my cousin at my father hometown,and four to my cousins at my mother hometown.After the holiday,I will celebrate raya at school with everyone.I will give ten cards to my friend at school.Do you know the total of cards? It is 21 cards! Actually,is supposed to be 23 cards.10 cards made of paper,11 cards from bookstore and 2 cards made of cloth.(I do not know who I want to give yet)I think this is for today.See you later! Bye!

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