
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Princess and The Pea.

Hello everyone,today I am going to make "TELLING STORIES".So please enjoy. The Princess and The Pea Once upon a time,there was a young Prince who decided to get married."You must marry a real,genuine Princess," insisted his mother the Queen."She must be beautiful,clever,charming and kind.Nothing less will do!" And with that,she ordered the Prince's horse to be saddled and told him to ride off and start looking at once. As there were no Princesses in his own kingdom,the Prince had to travel to every country in the world to look for one. He met lots of them on his journey,but not one was perfect.Some were too tall,some were much too small,other too fat and some too thin.Some were very old and some were just babies. The poor Prince was really disappointed."I just can't seem to find a real,genuine Princess anywhere,"he sighed.So,he climbed on his horse and began the long ride back to his kingdom.When,at last,he returned home,he decided to give up the idea altogether. One dark night there was the most terrible storm.The wind howled and rain fell by the bucketful.Great flashes of lightning lit up the sky,and thunder shook the the Place walls. In spite of all this noise,the King heard the tiniest knock on the Place door. ~continue~

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