
Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Princess and The Pea. ii

"Now,who can be calling on a night like this?" snorted the Queen,for she was warm and comfortable and did not want to be disturbed.However,the kindly old King got up from his chair and went to open the door himself.There standing in a doorway,was a young girl.Her clothes were soaking and her shoes were spattered with mud.Rainwater ran down her face and her long golden hair was all wet and bedraggled.What a sight she looked! "I am a Princess.Please may I com in?" She whispered."Princess or not," said the King. "Come in by the fire and get warm" and he led her by the hand into the great hall of his Place.When the Prince saw her standing in the firelight,he feel in love with her and want to marry her at once.The Queen took one look at the girl dripping water on her best carpet and frowned. "She can't be a real,genuine Princess and look such a mess," she muttered to herself. "I've never heard such a tale in all my life!" With that,she marched off towards the Palace kitchen.And there,from the store cupboard,she took one tiny dried pea.Then she crept quietly up the back stairs into the very best guest room. "We'll soon see if she's a real,genuine Princess," and she placed the pea right in the center of the Princess's bed.Next,the Queen sent for all the maids in the Palace. "Bring me twenty mattresses from your linen cupboard at once."The maids looked surprised,but were soon scurrying up and down the corridors puffing and panting under the weight of all those mattresses."Pile them up high on the bed!" yelled the Queen. "Now fetch me twenty of your softest feather quilts" the Queen ordered in her sternest voice.So the maids brought the feather quilts.By now everyone was quite out of breath."Now place the twenty feathers quilts on top of the twenty mattresses," the Queen went on.The piles of mattresses was so high that the maids could no longer reach them.So the Queen ordered her pageboys to bring long ladders until,at last,the job was done and the Queen satisfied.~continue~

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Princess and The Pea.

Hello everyone,today I am going to make "TELLING STORIES".So please enjoy. The Princess and The Pea Once upon a time,there was a young Prince who decided to get married."You must marry a real,genuine Princess," insisted his mother the Queen."She must be beautiful,clever,charming and kind.Nothing less will do!" And with that,she ordered the Prince's horse to be saddled and told him to ride off and start looking at once. As there were no Princesses in his own kingdom,the Prince had to travel to every country in the world to look for one. He met lots of them on his journey,but not one was perfect.Some were too tall,some were much too small,other too fat and some too thin.Some were very old and some were just babies. The poor Prince was really disappointed."I just can't seem to find a real,genuine Princess anywhere,"he sighed.So,he climbed on his horse and began the long ride back to his kingdom.When,at last,he returned home,he decided to give up the idea altogether. One dark night there was the most terrible storm.The wind howled and rain fell by the bucketful.Great flashes of lightning lit up the sky,and thunder shook the the Place walls. In spite of all this noise,the King heard the tiniest knock on the Place door. ~continue~

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Best Raya Ever!!!

Hello,my story today is,"HAVING THE BEST RAYA EVER!!!".This year,I'm celebrate the celebration at my father hometown.I think this year is more interesting than last year celebration.Do you know why?Because my auntie,bought astro beyond.Secondly,my mom and my dad bought new curtain for my grandparents.I feel like I'm going to explode like a volcano.Instead talking about decorations,children likes to make cards including myself.I have three kinds of cards for raya this year.(a)made of paper (b) buyfrom bookstore (c)made of cloth .Thirdly,I would like to send five cards to my friends by post.After I celebrate at my father hometown,I will celebrate at my mother hometown at the second day of Raya. I want to give one card to my cousin at my father hometown,and four to my cousins at my mother hometown.After the holiday,I will celebrate raya at school with everyone.I will give ten cards to my friend at school.Do you know the total of cards? It is 21 cards! Actually,is supposed to be 23 cards.10 cards made of paper,11 cards from bookstore and 2 cards made of cloth.(I do not know who I want to give yet)I think this is for today.See you later! Bye!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ramadhan day 15

Hello,everyone.Today is the 15th Ramadhan 2011.I can't believe it is the half day of Ramadhan.And this year,I feel more energize or should I say,more active than last year.When I fasting the first day.( Ramadhan 2010),I was dying for food.Really tired,thirsty and starving.But now,wowwww..I can't believe it.My teacher was right,we're fasting not for having starving and thirsty feeling,but it was for Allah.And the last thing my teacher said to me,people that fasting will feel active.Not like people who lie down and think of hunger.It almost raya,but let just set aside the celebration and give full attention at fasting.Speaking of fasting,my mom said if one of my family finish reading al-quran, he/she (except my dad. hehehehehe)  will get RM 50.I am not sure that I can defeat my siblings know what I'm trying to say right.About my mom,do you know that my mother now jusud.................(let me ask my mother now,hehehehehehhe)........27!!!!!! ^_^ Today it just the 15th Ramadhan but my mom is now jusud 27??!!.I challenge you guys,can you defeat my mom record...?! Maybe there is someone already win. Huuhuuhuhhuuh.Do you know what jusud I'm now? It jusud 15,its okay..well its for today! Bye :).

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My New Blog

Hello,everyone.I know that everyone recognize me.Of course,my name is Iznina.I make another one because my friend Zuhairah already made english blog,so I feel that I want to make another one to.And I can help my english word too.I will write about my adventure post.So please always visit my blog. Ok that for today so bye....!